In recent years, Iran's domestic air companies, which have been involved in aircraft repair, have been designing and manufacturing various types of bird products by establishing design offices and technology development centers. An important issue is the lack of a comprehensive and standardized system used in the country's air industry. The main objective of this research is to review the numbering systems of technical drawings and numbering of parts in the world air industry and provide a native model for the Iranian airline industry. The purpose of this research is in the field of applied research, and field methods such as questionnaires have been used. The statistical society of the design and manufacture of bird equipment is at the level of the airline industry in Iran. The Delphi method has been used to examine and conclude the proposed model. Based on the results of the implementation of the numbering system, it is possible to systematize the process of designing and constructing an aircraft, and as a result, it facilitates the coordination between the design unit and the units of construction and repair, and due to reduced design errors and structural defects in sets and parts of the product It improves the quality and reduces costs in the company, and subsequently improves the reliability of the aircraft and profitability of the company. It is suggested that executive instructions and the processes for mapping and subscribing to the organizations at stake level be developed.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Morteza Shariati Firoz Abad, Mohammad Reza Kabaran Zadeh Ghadim, Mohammad Ali Rostamian

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