This study examined the influence of personality and work-locus of control on lecturers’ organizational citizenship behaviour. A total of 204 participants (75 females and 129 males) selected through simple random sampling technique were drawn from Federal Polytechnics Oko Anambra State, Nigeria as participants of the study. Their ages ranged from 27 to 67 years with a mean age of 49.43 years and a standard deviation of 9.82. A cross sectional survey design was employed for the study while two-way Analysis of variance statistic was used for data analysis. The result revealed a significant main effect for personality at F (4,194) = 4.15, p < .05. Extraverted lecturers had more tendencies to practice OCB than open to new experience and agreeable lecturers, as well as conscientious lecturers. However, no significant influence for work locus of control (M=1,194) = 0.67>.05 with the internal locus of control participants (m =121.05, SD = 32.77), was observed on tendency to practice OCB than their external (M. 121. 64, SD = 25.41) counterparts. Also, the result showed no significant interaction effect between personality factors and work-locus of control on lecturers’ citizenship behaviour, F (4, 194) =1.08 AT p<.05. It recommended that Nigerian tertiary institutions use psychometric evaluation in lecturers’ selection process in order to take advantage of those more likely to exhibit citizenship behaviour.
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