The present study examines role and effect of social capital on organizational structure and entrepreneurship in Sepahan Steel Company. In this research, the organizational – mechanical structures and knowledge base in entrepreneurship are discussed in detail. The primary goal of this research is to evaluate effect of social capital on entrepreneurship in Sepahan Steel Company. It is an applied descriptive survey. The population consists of 71 employees of Sepahan Steel Company. The documentary method of research was used to collect data on theoretical framework considering the research hypotheses. Data gathered through questionnaires and data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The questionnaire consists of author-made items in 5-point liker scale. Pearson correlation method was used to test hypotheses, and the results showed that there was a significantly positive relationship between entrepreneurship and social capital in its three aspects namely, structural, cognitive and relational.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Abolghasem Arabiun, Kiomars Yazdanpanah, Mohammadreza Tayebnia, Mohammad Mahdi Shaye Sani

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