The main objective of this study was to investigating the impact of organization internal and external factors on e-business continuance in small and medium enterprises. Therefore, according to previous studies and researches, based on the framework and theories in this field, goals and hypotheses were introduced. The statistical population in this research includes all small and medium enterprises with active website in Khuzestan province at 2017. Using randomized Morgan table the sample included 384 companies. In order to measure the dependent variables of the research, a questionnaire of 53 questions was developed based on the Likert 5 scale. It is also worth noting that in this research, according to research by Ramaya et al. (2016), a researcher-made questionnaire was used. In this research, content validity method was used to determine validity, and Cronbach's alpha was used to measure reliability. SPSS and E-views were used to analyze the data obtained from Excel softwares. To analyze data the OLS regression analysis method was used and the results of data analysis showed that the components of the organization internal and external factors (including management characteristics, organizational characteristics, technological characteristics and environmental characteristics), along with the component the level of web acceptance on using website continuance has a significant impact.
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