Technology management (management of technology or MOT) requires an extensive spectrum of capabilities in operational environments ranging from research and development to financial affairs (services) marketing and every other traditional management activity. Technological management needs to have an interdisciplinary approach and therefore requires a collection of different disciplines. While traditional management disciplines are pursuing how to allocate resources, technological management is not forced to allocate resources. In fact, it aims to further access and dominate the formation of the effects of technological variables on a business. Our country is classified among developing countries and technology transfer is recommended as a shortcut for access to state-of-the-art technologies, providing that technology transfer actually happens and Indigenization of transferred technologies to be considered. The present study examines the effects of technology on innovation in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. It is performed based on a descriptive study. For this purpose, four hypotheses have been raised in the study and the data required for this research were collected from 298 employees and managers from the university. The most important result of the present research is that the deployment of technology management and R&D (research and development) will lead to the promotion of quality functions and more importantly consolidation of innovation functions in the university of medical sciences. The value of Cronbach’s alpha for these 24 elements is equal to 0.935 which represented that the data have reliability (are reliable). In conclusion, the Pearson correlation coefficient test was used to confirm or reject the research hypotheses.
JEL: O14, M54, O32
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