This paper was set out to examine the problems and prospects of artisanal fish marketing in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It was observed that artisanal fish is one of the most important sources of food and income to many people, especially in the riverine areas. Artisanal fisheries is labour-intensive and conducted by artisanal craftsmen whose level of income, mechanical sophistication, quantity of production, fishing range, political influence, market outlets, employment and social mobility and financial power depends on it. Artisanal fish marketing involves all activities undertaken in conveying fish from fishermen to consumers. The paper revealed that artisanal fish marketing in Akwa Ibom State involves a lot of problems which often times hinder the objectives of the fish harvesting and marketing business. The problems include inadequate funds, sea piracy, poor post-harvest fish management, high cost / lack of transportation facilities, lack of market facilities and poor interpersonal relations skills among the fishermen. The study concluded that the problems of artisanal fish marketing if solved can result in the enhancement of level of satisfaction in the harvesting, processing and marketing of artisanal fish to meet the need of the society and provide diversified employment opportunities in fishing communities, villages and settlements. It was therefore suggested among others that, Akwa Ibom State Government in collaboration with Federal Government should provide a well-developed landing and processing sites in all the fishing settlements to ensure hygienic and protected space for processing activities as well as proper facilities at processing sites for sanitation and storage. This will help to reduce fish contamination, and prevent microbial attack of harvested fish.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Etop N. Essien, Uduonyi O. Eminue, Effiong J. Ekpo

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