Living in meta-information age beside the everyday acceleration of information technology lead customers to utilize electronic facilities and services fort doing their tasks quickly and easily. Customers would be satisfied with services always available to be used and to encourage customers to reuse them. To this end, the present study scrutinizes the influence of telecommunication hardware and software services with the relevant components on customer satisfaction with respect to the function of flexibility taken by the company. The main goals of the research are as follows: 1. investigating the influence of software infrastructures on customer satisfaction, given the mediative role of flexibility, 2. investigating the influence of hardware infrastructure on customer satisfaction, given the mediative role of flexibility. The method is survey research, library research along with note-taking tools. SPSS software is employed for information analysis. According to the findings, there is a significant relationship between software agents (transaction speed, ease of use, access speed, safety and teaching method) and hardware agents (environment, facilities, adornment and equipment) in customer satisfaction. The results revealed that hardware and software agents influence customer satisfaction indirectly.
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