Nursing profession is the second largest workforce after army according to the world statistic of labour. The profession portrays compassionate, committed and passion. Disaster Nursing (DN) requires a great deal of commitment and faced incredible work challenges. Nurses must have prepared to face any disaster such as flood, earthquake, landslide and tsunami which hit Malaysia. The important roles of nurses were truly critical when they were aiding the average 160,000 homeless due to post flood hit in Malaysia in December 2014. Malaysia has to spend billions of RM in each year in order to cover losses due to natural disasters. Which role of nursing care that is really reliable in handling disaster? How the nurses’ groups would be able to develop and help the country in dealing with losses and damages to individuals, their families and their friends in real situation? Are there any guidelines which could be practiced? The purpose of this study therefore is to evaluate the factors impacting flood in global perspectives and develop functional disaster to nursing in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to explore the impact of flood on health issue relating to life quality, to assess the reaction on economic turn down toward flood disaster in Malaysia and to evaluate the behaviour impact of flood disaster. This study also intends to implement and develop beneficial nursing subproject for practices as well as to improve health care and services on focus group of Felda Seberang Tayor people and to discover their attitude and behaviour their gearing towards generation of incomes. Nursing theory of success has been chosen to develop insightful understanding of disaster nursing practices in Malaysia. Qualitative approach using open ended questionnaires and in-depth interview were used in three different aspects of relevant importance (management view: medical view: personal involvement view). The focus group are of 200-250 of Felda community people who have been experienced and involved in most tragic floods areas. A disaster post basic team was tailored to facilitate a pilot project. The plan focused on four subprojects, which were Subproject 1; To establish Nursing i-clinic and training team for basic health care and minor injury. Subproject 2; Nursing youth tour for healthy life style and nursing francizing to stimulate positive activity and generate cost and family income. Subproject 3; Develop entrepreneur nursing in franchising sector of my healthy world tea project and healthy fresh mini plantation from home made for psychological impact. Subproject 4; nursing post basic for coronary care and disaster nursing. The results of data analysis on the four elements of focused samples selected for the study were presented accordingly.
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