The present study aimed to explain the effect of brand identity on brand loyalty with mediating role of brand commitment. In order to achieve the research goals, brand commitment, brand identity, brand loyalty, and brand trust variables were introduced into eight hypotheses. This is an applied research objectively, and a descriptive-survey study in terms of data collection. The population of this study was the customers of five-star hotels in Tehran, whom were sampled by simple random method. There was a sample size of 384 individuals, for which 400 questionnaires were distributed, and finally, 386 questionnaires were acceptable. The results were obtained through structural equations with SmartPLS software. The findings show that brand identity has significant positive relationships with brand trust and brand commitment variables, and an indirect and significant relationship with brand loyalty. Also, the role of the two moderating variables of age and gender indicated that, unlike gender, age has no moderating role in brand identity and brand loyalty relationship.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.531
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