Sea transportation system in this era of globalization has developed significantly. Ship as a sea transportation facility has an important role in transportation system. Therefore, in order to conduct safety navigation at sea, the necessity of good skill, expertise, and professionalism are extremely demanded. From the first observation, it shown that there was problem appeared in the process of improving the services of the shipping agency. This study aimed to know the quality of public services of PT. Samudera Perdana. Besides, it also tend to know the quality services (problems, responsiveness, courtesy, empathy, and physical evidence) have effect toward customer satisfaction. This is a qualitative study. The respondent of this study was taken from staff and checked were conducted to some customers of PT. Samudera Selaras Perdana. On the other hand, the data collection techniques of this study were through observation, interview and documentation. For the data analysis technique, the writer used a data reduction, display data, then conclusion. From the result of this study it can be concluded that by using 5 dimension of customer service quality which is proposed by Zeithaml, that the quality of customer service in PT. Samudera Perdana Selaras has indicated as a good service, however, there were some aspects needed to be improved in order to increase the quality service and also to extend and provided parking area for customer.
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