This study investigated the effects of information disclosure as part of engagement of stakeholders on implementation of water projects in Machakos County, Kenya. The paper is guided by stakeholder theory advanced by Freeman (1984). The study was guided by causal comparative research design. The study targeted 172 water projects being implemented in Machakos County from the year 2016-2018 with the respondents being seven members of project management committees. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting 17 water projects that was involved in this study. Questionnaires were used to collect data for the research. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data from open-ended questions was analysed using thematic content analysis. It was found out that there was an above degree level of correlation (r=0.584) between information disclosure and implementation of water projects. The paper concludes that when all information pertaining project is disclosed to the respondents, implementation goals would be achieved. On recommendations, the research suggests that communication needs to be improved during implementation stages to ensure every information from the project is relayed to all stakeholders.
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