The purpose of this study is to investigate whether consumers are influenced by the NBA star endorsers’ credibility and brand image on their purchase intention. A questionnaire survey is conducted in this study, and 492 college students in Taoyuan City are taken as research objects. A total of 500 questionnaires are sent out; after the deduction of 8 invalid questionnaires, a total of 492 valid questionnaires are collected. In this study, SPSS20.0 for Window Chinese package statistical software is used as the analysis tool. After the verification of descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, independent sample t test, Pearson product difference correlation analysis, and regression analysis, the results obtained are as follows: 1) the credibility of the NBA star endorsers has a significant impact on purchase intention, in which the influence of professional image is greater than the influence of the reliability on purchase intention; 2) brand image has a significant influence on purchase intention, in which the effect of symbolism in brand image is greater than the effect of functionality in brand image on purchase intention; 3) the credibility, brand image, and purchase intention of the NBA star endorsers are significantly correlated.
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