The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of marketing mix strategy through the mediating role of brand image on customers buying intention. The author collected 80 questionnaires from respondents, which were the customers at Boss Image Nusantara (BIN) Jember outlet and analyzed simultaneous relations with path analysis. The results indicate that the marketing mix strategy, which covers the combination of product, price, place, and promotion components significantly affect the customers buying intention. Additionally, marketing mix strategy has a significant influence on brand image. Moreover, brand image was found to have a significant positive impact on the customers buying intention. Based on the findings, the results are expected to create a useful perspective for the manager at BIN Jember to develop better integration of each component of the marketing mix strategy they implemented, especially the promotion. Although many prior types of research focused on the relationships among the variables of marketing mix strategy on customers buying decision, the current study considers the mediating role of brand image and tries to focus on customers purchase intention only. This point highlights the novelty and originality of this study.
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