The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of remuneration on the performance of employees (2) the effect of organizational commitment on the performance of employees (3) the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of employees (4) the simultaneous effect of remuneration, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on the performance of the employee of Regional Secretariat in Tanah Laut, Indonesia. The method used in this research was the survey method with a quantitative approach. The sample was composed by 68 people. While the data processing techniques used are validity, reliability test, the classical assumption test, and multiple regression analysis. To facilitate the use of data processing the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 for Windows was used. These results indicate that (1) remuneration is affecting partially the performance of employees (2) organizational commitment significantly is affecting the performance of employees (3) job satisfaction effect partially on employee performance Regional Secretariat in Tanah Laut (4) remuneration, organizational commitment and job satisfaction simultaneously applied are significantly affecting performance on the performance of the employee of Regional Secretariat in Tanah Laut, Indonesia.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.664
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