In countries with a Muslim majority, Ramadan is a real opportunity for companies from different industries to promote their products, given the peculiarities of consumption habits during this month. Similarly, the television industry does not make the exception because this month has its own audience habits. Indeed, new program schedules are proposed by broadcasters, aiming to attract a larger viewership that could put them in a strong position vis-à-vis advertisers. But with the wide spread of Internet access, the multiplicity of online platforms and the variety of devices, new trends are changing the way people consume television content, more particularly the generations Y and Z being the most affected by these trends. This work will seek to verify the impact of the new trends on the consumption behavior of young Moroccans of the content broadcast during the month of Ramadan by conducting a field study covering a sample of 180 young Moroccans. The objective here is to draw a profile the young Moroccan viewer in the digital age.
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