Sri Lanka is a developing country with a gradually but slowly increasing annual income. Moreover, it shows a great potential for a rapid growth if the performance of business, specially, Small and Medium Enterprises could be improved since in comparison to the performance of SMEs of the most of other Asian countries Sri Lankan Small and Medium Enterprises are lagging behind in term of performance. As per the Asian Productivity Organization, developing the degree of entrepreneurship is one of the highly viable strategies for ensuring growth of Asian economies. Despite, whether the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Small and Medium Enterprises varies among the different industrial sectors, i.e. Manufacturing, Services and Trade, is remained untouched. The dearth of research hinders the efforts of interested parties to improve the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises. Hence, future research would be useful to the academia and policy makers to uncover more productive and country specific strategies to inspire entrepreneurial orientation of local Small and Medium Enterprises. Accordingly, this article focuses on how the variation of entrepreneurial orientation is varies among different sectors of Small and Medium Enterprises of Sri Lanka. The results of the study indicated that there is no significant difference of entrepreneurial orientation among different sectors.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Mabotuwana Vithanage Sujith Shyaman Uday, Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Jacqulien Tham

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