The purpose of this paper is to determine the negative psychological factors and online shopping behaviour. This is a review paper among college students’ at Tongren city in China. This study will significantly contribute in dealing with challenges that are prevailing in the e-commerce market, and online retailers have to understand E-commerce market, buyers’ behaviour and to consider all factors that will affect online shopping in order to develop better strategies to retain existing customers and attract more potential buyers. Consumer buying behaviour is affected by many variables, ranging from personal motivations, needs, attitudes and values, socioeconomic and cultural values, age, gender, professional status to social influences of various kinds exerted by family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole (Solomon, 2004). Studying various factors affecting online shopping will help online retailers to understand the association between factors and consumer buying behaviour. In this context, research is aimed to study the various factors affecting negative psychological factors affecting online shopping among college students in Tongren University.
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