The purpose of this paper was to examine empirically, the roles of defensiveness and competitive aggressiveness in the actualization of stakeholder’s value maximization. The study adopted a survey design and a quantitative methodology in its investigation, with data generated using structured questionnaire copies from 204 respondents within 48 manufacturing firms listed with the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Rivers/Bayelsa State Chapter. Results revealed significant relationships between defensiveness as well as competitive aggressiveness and two measures of stakeholder’s value maximization (social, economic and environment). It was therefore concluded that defensiveness and competitive aggressiveness play significant role in maximizing and sustaining the identified aspects of stakeholder’s value. Hence it was recommended that for manufacturing firms to satisfy their stakeholders better and have competitive advantage, they should adopt both defensiveness and competitive aggressiveness as strategic options which will help managers to satisfy its employee, community, government and customers’ needs over the long term because these options entail researching and developing products by scanning the environment to ascertain the needs of these stakeholders.
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