Adjusting and stimulating the fashion purchases within fashion stores the challenging situation of market strength to discover the new ways in fashion industry for introducing the new products. The study is based on four determinants of shopping motivation which are Sexual Attraction, Shopping for Recreation, Recognition Enhancement, Aesthetic Expression. Fashion consciousness and fashion innovativeness have strategic position in this challenge. In the setting of fashion retailing this study inspects how fashion consciousness and fashion innovativeness relates with factors of shopping motivation and actual fashion purchasing. It also examines the construct of shopping motivation on the association among fashion innovativeness, fashion consciousness and fashion purchases. The study executed through a consumer survey, data were obtained and analyzed using structural equation modelling. The consequences show that shopping motivation is positively affected by fashion innovativeness and fashion consciousness, and positively influences fashion purchase intention of customers. The direct link between shopping motivation and fashion purchase intention shows insignificant result. By using the concept of fashion innovativeness and fashion consciousness this study delivers recommendations for fashion retailers on increasing fashion purchases in their stores.
JEL: L80; L81
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