The existence of street vendors is also expected to not damage or reduce the quality of the surrounding environment in order to create a spatial structure that maintains the physical and social environment ecosystem in Malang. The City Government of Malang does not see the existence of one-sided street vendors but rather classifies them in their arrangement and development as street vendors. The results of the study explained that street vendors followed the rules and regulations both set by the Brawijaya Museum and by the Kodam V / Braewijaya and the City Government of Malang. Street Vendors benefit from a very diverse income generation and hope that in the future it will improve, Street Vendors believe that if there is an increase in the serious Arrangement and Guidance both by the Museum Manager, Bintal Kodam V Brawijaya and by the Government of Malang City together with other parties involved, will get an increase in their income in doing business in the Brawijaya Museum.
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