This research aimed to investigate the impact of brand dimensions (brand perceived price, a celebrity of the brand, brand perceived quality, customer trust in the brand, and brand perceived value) on customer satisfaction of mobile phones in Egypt. The empirical research carried out on customers of the Samsung brand in Egypt, and also the research aimed to identify the most critical dimensions of the brand affecting customer satisfaction of the Samsung brand in Egypt. Based on the study and analysis of previous studies and brand literature, a questionnaire developed to collect preliminary research data, distributed to an appropriate sample of 344 Samsung brand users. The research hypotheses tested using a simple and multiple regression analysis in a stepwise regression method, as well as the use of descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of the research sample. The research found that there is a positive and significant correlation between the brand's dimensions (brand perceived price, a celebrity of the brand, brand perceived quality, customer trust in the brand, and brand perceived value) and customer satisfaction with the brand. Further, brand perceived price, a celebrity of the brand, and the brand perceived value had the most substantial impact on users’ satisfaction among brand dimensions addressed by this study. Brand perceived price perceptive was the essential dimension of the brand affecting customer satisfaction with the brand, and based on the results of the research was developed a set of recommendations aimed at enhancing the role of the brand in its various dimensions in the marketing of mobile phone for both companies and customers alike. The research recommends the need for continued and representatives Samsung mobile phone company to maintain business reputation and value through advertising and other means that help strengthen the minds of customers product niche, and the need to maintain mobile phone prices versus celebrity, enhancing the brand's value.
JEL: M30; M31
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