One custom of protection in consuming halal products is the inclusion of halal labels in packaging products sold, so that the consumer can distinguish undoubtedly on the state of the product to be consumed. This study used quantitative research using SEM PLS data management. The results showed that the knowledge of halal products is attributable to knowing the benefits of halal products with non-halal products, making the distinction of halal products characteristics, recognizing the taste of halal products, identifying the process of halal products and being aware of halal products for it is harmless in consumption. Product knowledge has a positive and significant effect on attitudes and purchase intentions of halal products. This product knowledge is integrated with the attitude indicators of halal products, namely (1) consumers prioritize their religion by trusting and consuming halal products, (2) protecting their souls and minds, that is by promoting health, (3) protecting their offspring by believing that consuming halal products will be good for their family (4) being certain of the conviction in halal products which will be good for themselves (5) believing that consumption of halal products is more satisfying. Moreover, the intention of buying the halal products are (1) motivated for family needs, (2) for a healthier life, (3 ) the existence of label on halal products packages (4) religious orders and (5) the application of Islamic morals. All of these indicators affect their product knowledge. Attitudes and purchase intentions of halal products in Medan City have shown attitudes that are in accordance with the foundations of Islamic values and in accordance with Maqashid al-Shari'ah, ie not to consume products that are contrary to the preservation of religion, life, reason, descent, and property.
JEL: M11; L10; L66
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