This article aims to establish the state of the art of governability in the family business through a literature review. Carrying out an exploratory research strategy of the field of family firms and family business, based on Bourdieu's "theory of practice", it enabled us to better understand the conceptualizations of family business, its underlying concepts and or assumptions, and hence contribute to the construction of organized and structured knowledge in this field. This is a complex and multifaceted theme that aims to balance the sovereign, executive and supervisory powers between the family business and with your own business. Some of our main contributions are: that balance depends on the stages of family development and it involves the structures, processes and policies that shape it, the effect of the relationships of the several members of the family business, and its commitment and involvement in the success of the business in the long-term success. These issues are intended to be included in an integrative model of governability, sufficiently generic and comprehensive so that it can be applied to any type of business family.
JEL: D21, D23, G30, L14, L20
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