Rica Alyana D. Molina, Rhon Joseph S. Ramos, Ferdinand T. Abocejo


Political interest groups (PIGs) are formed by people having common goals and working their way to make their goals a realization. These groups play a crucial role in influencing the minds of the youth in their outlook about varies societal issues. As a way for the youth to be able to participate, these groups found a way to organize political interest group chapters within universities. The organization allow university students to be able to actively participate in conducted activities within their campuses. This study investigated the different political interest groups which are existing in the universities within Cebu City, Philippines. The study also endeavored to examine the different reasons why students are willing participate in these so-called political interest groups and the factors that drive them in joining, how these institutional chapters are recognized and monitored by their respective universities. The findings revealed that students who participated in political interest groups find them interesting and beneficial serving as primary channel to voice their opinions regarding crucial and current societal issues. Also, the universities give them permits to conduct fora and seminars inside the campus. Many students confirm that joining political interest groups bring them more benefits, hone their political interests. Finally, joining political interest groups foster and deepen university students’ social development, broaden their political horizons and bring about positive social change while nurturing students’ rational choices.

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political interest groups, university students, political dynamics, student activism

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