Zaglul Haider


This paper argues that Islam is an all-embracing ideology, which deals with the entire worldly affairs as well as the hereafter. Islam does not confront democracy or development. Islamic polity, called by Westerners a theocracy, (where religion and politics are inseparable), is unlike Western theocracy, which separates religion from politics. The Quran and the Sunnah underpin the state in Islam. Islamic State is not ruled by any religious class or race, but by the whole Muslim community. This system is called theo-democracy or a divine democratic government where Muslims have been given limited sovereignty under the suzerainty of Allah. Indeed, democracy is the spirit of Islamic governance where Muslims are directed to conduct their affairs through consultation. What is Islam? Does democracy exist in Islam? How does Islamic democracy contradict secular democracy? Is development compatible with Islam? This paper addresses these questions. This paper unfolds that Islamic State is seen as a kingdom of Allah where absolute sovereignty belongs to Him. His representatives settle state matters through debate, discussion, mediation, and conciliation. Islam is a growing, and development-oriented ideology which inspires people to hard work to change their situations on the ground that Allah does not change one’s condition unless he /she works hard to do so. Islamic development considers the equitable development of men and women in society. Islamic democracy is based on the sovereignty of Allah, and Western democracy rests on the sovereignty of the people. While Western development is limited to worldly or material development, Islamic development is the combination of worldly development and development in the hereafter.


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Islam, democracy, development, ideology, worldly affair, hereafter. jihad, terrorism

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