Sri Sulistyawati, Iwan Setyawan


One of the causes of corruption is unquestionably inseparable from the role and leadership panache of the leadership of an institution or organization in its activities. Leadership appears along with human civilization, along with the times, and leadership can now be seen from various perspectives or points of view. Therefore, there are many definitions of leadership put forward by experts from their respective perspectives. Even so, some of these definitions still point to similarities in leadership itself. The reality is that many leaders do not realize that their leadership style is a role model for their subordinates and their success in realizing the organization and institution they lead. This is evident in the many leaders of state institutions who stumbled on corruption cases because they were not aware of their role as a leader, which resulted in the leaders forgetting their roles and responsibilities as a leader. We can see this from the many leaders who have gone to prison as a result of this is due to committing crimes of corruption that harm the people they lead. It is time for this leadership style to return to a leadership style based on local wisdom as the philosophy contained in the lyrics of the ‘Gundul Gundul Pacul’, where a leader must not be arrogant, must not be arrogant, a leader must serve those who give the mandate to him and a leader must prosper his subordinates or his people. The methodology used in this article is a sociological descriptive approach to the local wisdom culture of the ‘Gundul Gundul Pacul Gembelengan’ song lyrics originating from Central Java, Indonesia. The ‘Gundul-Gundul Pacul’ is a rhyme that appeared in the 1400s and was popularized by Sunan Kalijaga and contains a deep philosophical meaning about the characteristics of a leader. This ‘pantun’ gives us an idea of an ideal leader who must have high integrity, be completely trustworthy, not arrogant and uphold honor. From an analysis of the meaning of the philosophy contained in the lyrics of the song ‘Gundul Gundul Pacul’, leaders should be obliged to apply this philosophy in order to avoid criminal acts of corruption, but in reality, many leaders ignore it so that many are caught in criminal acts of corruption.


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model, ideal leader, ‘Gundul Gundul Pacul’ poem, corruption prevention

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