Santigie Abu Kamara


In order to shape employee performance and propel corporate progress, this essay examines the significance of organizational culture and human resources (HR) audits. The dynamic and competitive business climate of today has made the efficient management of human resources even more important. The purpose of HR auditing is to guarantee compliance, efficacy, and efficiency by thoroughly examining and assessing HR policies, practices, and procedures. Employee attitudes and actions are shaped by the common values, beliefs, and behaviors that make up the organizational culture. According to the article, HR audits are essential for improving worker performance and overall company development. Organizations can pinpoint areas for enhancement, appraise adherence to legal and regulatory mandates, and appraise the efficacy of their HR procedures by regularly undertaking audits. Finding gaps, dangers, and chances to optimize HR activities, rules, and practices is made easier with the aid of this careful review. Additionally, the essay highlights how important organizational culture is in shaping workers' productivity and the development of the company. Higher performance and productivity are the outcomes of a strong and supportive workplace culture that encourages employee motivation, engagement, and dedication. On the other hand, poor employee performance and inhibited organizational growth might result from a toxic or dysfunctional culture. A positive company culture can be shaped and reinforced by auditing methods, as demonstrated by the interaction between HR auditing and the culture that is examined. A culture that supports workers' performance and fosters organizational growth can be developed with the help of HR audits, which can show whether components of the organization's culture are in line with its objectives and core values. The article concludes that employees' performance and organizational success can be greatly impacted by a strategic approach to HR auditing in conjunction with a positive company culture. Organizations can maximize their human capital, improve employee happiness and retention, and achieve long-term sustainable growth by conducting frequent evaluations of HR procedures and cultivating a good culture.


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human resource management, auditing, culture, organization, performance, relevance, growth, employees

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