Effective production management and operation are essential for organizational success in the fast-paced corporate environment of today. On the other hand, shortcomings in these crucial domains may have extensive ramifications, impacting the development of the company and the contentment of its clientele. In order to offer important insights for companies and to throw light on the underlying dynamics, this qualitative study intends to investigate the effects of production and operation management failure on these two crucial areas. The experiences and viewpoints of industry experts, senior executives, and customers who have encountered operation and production management failures are explored in this study using semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The gathered data can be thematically analyzed to provide a thorough grasp of the complex ramifications of these mistakes. The results demonstrate how major obstacles to organizational growth are inadequacies in operation and production management. Market share might be lost, opportunities can be lost, and productivity can be decreased due to production delays, supply chain interruptions, and wasteful resource allocation. The inability of the organization to scale operations and take advantage of new opportunities is hampered by these kinds of failures. As such, firms encounter escalated expenses, reduced earnings, and weakened market competitiveness. Furthermore, the investigation reveals how these mistakes directly affect client happiness. Customers lose faith in businesses due to poor product quality, erratic service, and delayed deliveries. Unhappy customers are more inclined to express their displeasure and share bad experiences, which can damage the company's brand and impede efforts to attract and retain new customers. In the end, this results in lower brand loyalty, lower customer happiness, and possibly even lower revenue loss. With this in mind, this study proposes a number of mitigation and improvement strategies, including proactive measures like effective supply chain management, robust quality control systems, and streamlined production processes. By putting these strategies into practice, organizations can reduce the likelihood of failures, maximize operational performance, and promote sustainable growth. Organizations that aim to address and prevent production management and operation failures must also be aware of the consequences of those failures.
JEL: L23, L25, L26, M11, M21, M31, D22, D23
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v7i1.1716
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