Phan Van Tuan, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tuyen, Nguyen Chi Hai


Vietnam's seas and islands greatly influence political and legal life for national, regional, and international development in history, present, and future. The article analyzes the need and importance of capacity building for civil servants and state management organizations on seas and islands in the context of developing the marine economy and protecting Vietnam's sea and island sovereignty. With a long coastline and a rich island system, Vietnam is facing many challenges from resource exploitation, and climate change to national security and defense issues. The article discusses the current status of the sea and island management capacity of civil servants, officials, and related organizations, including limitations in expertise, management skills, and the ability to respond to complex situations. The article also proposes strategic solutions to improve management capacity through training, professional development, enhanced international cooperation, and application of modern technology in sea and island management. The article emphasizes that improving the capacity of civil servants and state management organizations is the key to effectively implementing policies for sustainable marine economic development and protecting national maritime interests, making an important contribution to the comprehensive development of Vietnam.


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sea, island, civil servant, state management, Vietnam

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