Tomilayo Oyebola Mubarak Aroyehun


This paper examined the evolution of democracy, focusing on two pivotal challenges: the rise of populism and the decline in trust in democratic institutions. A robust qualitative methodology was employed, including a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies from various nations, such as the United States, Brazil, and India. The analysis revealed that populism flourishes in environments marked by diminished public trust, leading to heightened polarization and civic disengagement. Additionally, the decline in trust correlates with economic disparities and institutional shortcomings, making citizens more susceptible to populist rhetoric. These findings underscore the urgent need for strategies aimed at rejuvenating democratic governance, such as enhancing transparency through technological advancements and initiating civic education programs. Such measures are essential for reconnecting citizens with their governments and preserving democratic principles in contemporary society.


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democracy, populism, decline, erosion, trust, democratic institutions, governance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v7i2.1867


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