The immigration phenomenon in Iran, like other immigrant host countries, is a two dimensional phenomenon and alongside the creation of an opportunity in cultural, economic and social exchanges, problems such as population imbalance, rise in unemployment and appearance of insecurity also come about. From 1979 to-date, the Islamic Republic of Iran has practically constantly been host to 2 million to foreigners including immigrants and refugees and at times the number has reached to more than 4 million, most of whom are from Afghanistan, therefore the aim of this research is the study of the positive aspects and challenges of their presence in the social, economic and cultural spheres and particularly its effects on national security following the coming to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan. In this research through the use of the descriptive-analytical method and by making use of existing documents and records, collect information and brief and determine concepts related to the presence of Afghan refugees in the country. According to the conclusions of this research, particularly in various areas which affect national security, it shows that due to various reasons which will be explained, we did not manage to have enough benefits from the potential of this presence in cultural, trade and international potentials as we should. The conclusions of this research and the use of presented recommendations by relevant departments such as Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants Affairs (BAFIA), shows that with the right planning while creating a safe and lawful environment for Afghan refugees, how the way is paved for their sustainable return to their country while benefiting the reduction the destructive security effects of their presence.
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