The objective of this study was to assess the psychosocial behaviours of Rwanda Patriotic Front ex-combatants in the Post-War Civil Life during the reintegration process into civil life. The research findings indicate that over 60% of the ex-combatants manifest psychosocial disorders as regards to depression, anxiety, traumatic characters, and cognitive maladaptive behaviours. This study recommends that the government should work hand in hand with various stakeholders to consider grouping Rwanda Patriotic Front ex-combatants once again and carry out detailed study on their psychosocial states. Through this study various psychosocial disorders found out constituted guidance towards the support to be offered to Rwanda Patriotic Front ex-combatants. Detailed program could also be designed for those with high depression, traumatic characters and cognitive maladaptive behaviours to see professional counsellors and therapists in a given arrangement.
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