Sahid Pambudi, Setia Budhi, J. Jamaluddin


In essence, regional growth and infrastructure development aims to bring public services to the community. Expansion of the districts cuts the distance and travel time from the village to the township for services; supported infrastructure development of roads, bridges and other infrastructure facilities. This study aimed to examine the effect of the District Regional Expansion (X1) and Infrastructure Development (X2) of the Public Service (Y) in the District of Teweh Baru, North Barito regency partial and simultaneous. The population was composed by 99 people chosen by using the probability sampling technique, while collecting data was done by using questionnaires. For data analysis was used SPSS v22. The test results proved that the Subdivision of the District Area has no significant effect on Public Service; while Infrastructure Development has a significant effect on Public Services. Other findings showed that, simultaneously District Expansion and Infrastructure Development have a significant effect of 69% and the remaining 31% is influenced by other variables.


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expansion, development, infrastructure, public services

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Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan daerah.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v0i0.680


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