Government’s PR has a vital role in the public space; so, the public can gain access to information. All the public bodies are required to ensure that there is an open, transparent, accountable policy execution which can be accessed quickly, timely, effective, at low costs and in a simple way. However, in order to achieve this goal Diskominfosandi North Barito, amid limited human resources and lack of infrastructure, is trying to make it happen. In the spirit of Yes Mulik Curved Turan (No Retreat Before Success), with the support of government and all the elements of society, Diskominfosandi strives to provide the best service to the public. The method used for the investigation was a qualitative approach. The research, that is descriptive, tends to use the analysis and is aiming to discover, understand, explain from the data and facts obtained on the ground. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the Public Disclosure Policy Implementation in the Office of Communications Information and Coding North Barito regency is not optimal due to limited infrastructure and lack of human resources.
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