Khalil Alsaadat


Continuous and thorough evaluation is the element that is most frequently highly considered in adult-education courses. A systematic program of evaluation can provide considerable useful information to both the instructor and the learner in order to improve the learning and instructional process. Restricting evaluation to content tests or measures of participant satisfaction overlooks some of the most important sources of information. The instructor should continually look for new and better ways of finding out how much his adult students are learning form the instruction he gives. Instruction can then be adjusted to bring about the maximum amount of learning possible in the limited amount of time that the adult student can commit to an educational activity (Dickinson, 1993, p. 102). This paper discusses the importance and significance of evaluation in adult education programs.


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evaluation, adult education, purposes, methods

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpss.v3i2.747


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