The effectiveness of drug abuse prevention programs in schools especially in Dubai, UAE will be beneficial and meaningful to the students, parents, community as well as to the literature itself. The history of drug abuse showed that it is contrary to the purposes of Islamic Sharia in the preservation of their five essentials (religion, life, honour, mind and money), and this is apparent for the lowest pensive. With respect to study population, there is a lack of national strategy to address the drug problem, whether this strategy. Officials and specialists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) declared that despite the limited number of cases of addiction among school students in the country, there is a need to tighten the supervision of drug traffickers and to tighten the legal penalties imposed on them effectiveness of drug and substance abuse prevention programs among schools in Dubai. Thus, the main objective of this study is analysing the anti-drug awareness strategy from the perspective of Islamic Sharia in Dubai schools, and evaluates this strategy in light of the challenges posed by the problem of drug abuse. The sample size of 201 participants who are exposed to drug awareness programs is the representative of the school population. The outcome of this study shows that need to integrate the concepts and purposes of the rules of Islamic Sharia in the preparation of preventive strategy through several institutions such as educational institutions, youth centers and sports clubs, media firms, religious institutions, institutions of civil society to increase drug-abuse awareness and create an environment suitable for applications which contribute to the formation of positive trends to stay away from drugs and all that hurt the human mind and protect the community in UAE.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Tariq Ali Murah, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham

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