Fajar Muharram


Social media is a space for interaction for humanity in this millennial era. However, social media development is often accompanied by several phenomena such as defamation, hate speech, and bullying. In Indonesia, this latest phenomenon occurs in hate speech and bullying cases that befell Tri Risma Harini as Mayor of Surabaya. This research aims to analyze Indonesian social media users' ethics and power based on the perspective of Gramsci's theory of hegemony and electronic information and transaction (EIT) Law. The research method used in the study is a literature review, which contains reviews, summaries, and the author's thoughts on several sources of literature (articles, books, slides, information from the internet, etc.) on the topics discussed. Meanwhile, Antonio Gramsci's hegemony theory and Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning EIT are used to analyze the literature-status used. The findings in this study indicate that an Indonesian citizen who uses social media cannot freely express his/her will because it is regulated in the ITE Law and local laws limit the freedom of expression of every citizen, spirit (morality), society, and order. Social and political (public order) of a democratic society as contained in article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As an Indonesian citizen, the case that befell Zikria is actually an act that is not wise in using social media. Although the freedom of opinion of every citizen is guaranteed by the laws of this country, an understanding of the substance of the ITE Law must be well understood. Researchers recommend citizens in expressing their opinions must understand and be well aware of the regulations that apply in this country so that there are no negative impacts that can be obtained in the future.

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social media freedom, attitude ethics, EIT Law

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