Huan Buu Nguyen, An Hoai Nguyen


Task-based vocabulary instruction has been increasingly popular in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) at tertiary institutions in Asia, includingVietnam. However, this type of instruction at high schools is mainly focused on traditional way and, this approach is widely held to prevent students from having opportunities to learn, communicate, and interact with other peers in English. This paper therefore reports on students’ perceptions of task-based vocabulary instruction within a high school context. Data through tests and questionnaire were administered to two groups of seventy tenth graders at a high school in a Mekong Delta region. The findings indicate that students in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group, suggesting that task-based vocabulary instruction was useful to tenth graders using the new textbook. The findings also reveal participants’ perceived need for the inclusion of task-based vocabulary in their learning process. Implications for language teaching and administration are also presented.


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task, vocabulary acquisition, perceptions, English 10-new version, high school

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.1359


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