Jesse John Lukindo


This paper intended to explore the role of English language teacher collaborations in curriculum implementation. Literatures revealed that availability of workshops and conferences alone in curriculum implementation have not proved to be fruitful in letting teachers change their teaching practices. The purpose of this study therefore was to examine the role of English language teacher collaborations in the process of curriculum implementation in ordinary secondary school. The study adopted a qualitative research design where in depth interviews were used for data collection. The study was guided by two research questions; what roles do teacher collaborations play in curriculum implementation and in what ways are teacher collaborations important in curriculum implementation. The study was conducted in Tanga region in 3 districts namely; Tanga municipal, Muheza and Korogwe. The sample included 8 ordinary secondary school teachers who were selected using snowball sampling procedure. The criterion for participating in the study was 10 years teaching experience. Findings revealed that English language teacher collaboration is an important aspect in adhering to changes in the day to day teaching practice and effective curriculum implementation. Furthermore, most teachers are used to a bound collaboration which always ends within the department in a respective school. The study concluded that open collaborations are more important in the teaching career so that teachers become open minded and absorbs new ways of teaching. The study recommends for school to school, district to district and region to region collaborations to enable teachers open up their minds and enhance their teaching career.


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collaborations, teacher collaborations, curriculum implementation

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