This research seeks to reveal motivational strategies generally employed by teachers in Indonesian EFL classrooms. To obtain the data needed, this study made use questionnaire designed by Cheng and Dörnyei (2007) and distributed it to 159 selected Indonesian English teachers that acted as the participants of the study. The questionnaire consists of ten motivational clusters with two until seven motivational strategies in each cluster. This study applied mean and mean difference value as the basis of data analysis process. The analysis revealed that out of ten motivational clusters, four clusters appear to be mostly employed in the classroom and another three clusters seem to be underutilized. The mostly-employed motivational clusters are posing a desirable behavioural example, appreciating students’ contribution, developing students’ self-reliance, and creating pertinent classroom tasks, while the underutilized clusters are raising student’ awareness toward learning goal, introducing students with the target language and cultural values, and encouraging students to become an autonomous learner.
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