Gülten Koşar


The objective of this is to investigate young adult learners’ perceptions of brain-compatible learning. 27 university preparatory school students aged 18-21 were taught in compliance with brain-compatible learning approach for four months and a half. Subsequent to the intervention, the participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire developed to explore students’ perceptions about brain-compatible learning. A semi-structured interview was conducted in order to gain deeper insights into the participants’ perceptions of the brain-compatible learning intervention. The findings obtained from the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data indicate that the participants have positive perceptions of brain-compatible learning and are planning to continue applying brain-compatible learning principles in the ensuring years. The results of this study could prompt researchers and practitioners to implement brain-compatible learning principles in classroom environment and discover students’ perceptions of brain-compatible learning among different age groups.


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brain-compatible learning, perceptions, young adult learners, English language proficiency, attitude change, student success

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