Yousef Bakhshizadeh Gashti


This study investigated the effect of CALL and computer-mediated explicit feedback on reading comprehension of intermediate EFL learners. To this aim, two classes of general English were under study and learners’ reading comprehension was investigated. The two classes were randomly divided into experimental and control group. To homogenize the participants in reading comprehension a pre-test of FCE reading-oriented was administered. In one group CALL was employed and the learners did not attend the class at all and received explicit feedback on line. The other group received in-class feedback through the conventional methods of classroom interactions. After the treatment, the learners were administered with another FCE reading –oriented for the post-test. The collected data was analyzed through independent and paired sample t-tests. The results suggested that computer-mediated explicit feedback has remarkable effect on developing reading comprehension of intermediate EFL learners.


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computer assisted reading comprehension, explicit feedback

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.1880


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