Žana Gavrilović, Branka Kovačević


The authors in this paper research discuss about the characteristics of students' communicative competence in English language teachig. The purpose of the research was to examine and establish the possible influence of interactive learning on developing the students' communicative competence in English language teaching. The essential premise was that the English language acquisition at an early age most powerfully occured with the application of interactive learning model, through the communicative approach. What is further on emphasized is the significance of a holistic approach to learning, where each student needs to be approached individually, and then, as such, integrated in the class. The obtained results of the research point out that the interactive learning in English language teaching has a significant influence on developing first and foremost verbal communication among the peers, then the students' social expressiveness in communication, their empathy, non-verbal communication and flexibility, and the ease in communication.


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interactive learning, students' communicative competence, English language teaching

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