Film and technology tend to be potential tools in defining the point of departure between traditional and contemporary teaching styles. Surveyed responses of randomly selected teachers reveal common standpoints on film and technology-based materials (FTBMs)’s sustainability as catalysts in language skills integration. Their assimilated viewpoints further corroborate that FTBMs can sustain teachers’ innovation in situating learners to 21st century real-world-learning environment due to their proliferation, didactic features and accessibility. Furthermore, it is indicated that when teachers’ productively incorporate FTBMs in pedagogy, they can have more promising instructive functions than their entertainment value. Moreover, the study demonstrates some language-related tasks models, implications and frameworks underpropped by congruent theories and others’ investigations in presenting techniques through FTBMs. It is recommended that a quantitative inquiry of this teaching strategy utilizing these materials be administered to more specific sets of varied respondents to scientifically demonstrate the extent of teachers’ practices and awareness sustained by advanced statistics to produce tangible principles that may facilitate effective language skills’ integration. This investigation fundamentally used descriptive analysis where symmetrical data is explicated by the mean while the modal values construed collated nominal data in interpreting respondents’ central tendencies. Percentages were employed in approaching other responses. Several formulated types of Likert Scales for analyses and descriptions played major roles in approximating used variables to engender responses about this edifying approach’s fortification.
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