Marlon P. Manuel


Explicit corrective feedback has always been a topic of huge interest among educators. While various studies have investigated on certain types of error treatment methods, there has been little research conducted to look into explicit corrective feedback. The current research was designed to investigate the belief system of students on explicit corrective feedback in ESL classroom, particularly in speaking classes. The sample of the study consisted of 30 Omani EFL foundation learners which were randomly selected. In this study a series of qualitative survey tasks were conducted to determine the attitude of the respondents towards the method, the impact to respondents’ speaking fluency and the type of error treatment in which they are at ease most. Results revealed that respondents have positive attitude towards the method as they perceived it as instrumental in improving their speaking errors in grammar, diction, pronunciation and intonation. Additionally, majority of them opined that ECF is on top of all other corrective types when it comes to effect and value owing to its retentive effect. These emphasize the need to foster this method in EFL environment where teacher's feedback is the most important step through which learners improve their language proficiency.


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explicit corrective feedback, belief system, instrumental, retentive effect, speaking skill

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