Ahmed Athawadi


In recent years, communicative language teaching in Libya has been the focus in English language teaching. This study aimed to point out the factors that hinder the implementation of communicative language teaching in Libyan university English classes in EFL context. An interview has been used to gather data from eight university teachers from two Libyan universities. The findings identified the factors that impede the use of CLT related to students, teachers, resources, and the Libyan educational system. Specifically, some barriers were mainly due to the lack of teacher training, insufficient teaching resources, non-qualified students, and the educational system not meeting the goals of modern teaching methods. A few recommendations have been provided for teachers and policy makers to encourage successful implementation of CLT.


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communicative language teaching, ESL, EFL

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.2265


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