Leovigildo Lito D. Mallillin


English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) is a module that develops skills of students in terms of their listening, reading, reflective writing and in their oral presentation. It supports and motivates students in their skills in learning the module through strategies and academic achievement. The study aims to identify the reflective writing performance of students in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) module along the area of comprehension, key points, language proficiency, organization, and reliability. The study employs the quantitative descriptive approach as this design is judgmental. It provides a better analysis on the study under investigated. It elaborates the methods of research in the reflective writing and performance of the students. The respondents of the study are the students in Gulf College who are officially enrolled in English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS). They belong to Level 3 Block 2 for the academic year 2019-2020. The study comprised of Thirty (30) respondents only. Random Sampling is utilized in the study to assess the sample size of the study under investigated. It is focused on the variables of the comprehension level, key points, language proficiency, organization, and reliability on the assignment of students in their reflective writing journal under the English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills module and to achieve the desire sample size of the study (Gregoire, and Affleck, 2018). Result shows that performance level of students in their English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS) in the area of comprehension is satisfactory which means level of performance is moderate, key points is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, language proficiency is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, organization is satisfactory which means level of performance of students is moderate, and reliability is poor which means level of performance of students is low.


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reflective writing, English for Academic Purposes and Study Skills (EAPSS), comprehension level and skills, key points, language proficiency, organization, and reliability

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