The current study mainly aims at investigating the effectiveness of using Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in developing students’ speaking skills at Sudanese secondary school levels from English language teachers’ perceptions. Also, the study seeks to find out the problems that hinder the teachers’ from implementing the CLT approach. To meet these aims and objectives the researcher employed a quantitative approach using a descriptive design. The researcher used the survey to collect data from the participants of the study. The random sampling technique was applied to select the sample out of all English language teachers at Omdurman Locality. Therefore, (100) female and male teachers have participated in this study. The information gained from the surveys was analyzed using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study revealed the following findings: First of all, the majority of participants strongly agree that there is a positive relationship between teachers’ attitudes and effective usage of the communicative approach. The mains statements that gathered the highest level of response are: I think using CLT in my classroom helps my whole teaching process and using CLT in my class helps me share ideas and opinions with my learners. This means that most of the study participants assured that the use of CLT in the classrooms helped them to share the knowledge and facilitated their teaching process. Secondly, the majority of participants agree that there are effective factors that hinder teachers from using communicative approach to develop students speaking skills. The main statements which gathered their highest level of response are the following: Lack of authentic materials hinder the use of CLA in my and classroom size makes using CLT in my classroom more difficult. This clearly shows that the most effective factors that hinder teachers from implementing CLT in their classes are lacking of authentic material and classroom size. Finally, the majority of participants strongly agree that the communicative approach to develop students speaking skills – in general, and the main statements which gathered their highest level of response: Using CLA enhances students speaking skills, and I think using CLT motivates my student to speak accurately inside and outside the classroom. This result indicates that their participants of the study confirmed that using CLT in classroom enhanced their students speaking skill and motivated them to speak fluently.
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