Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, Firmansyah Blongkod, Novriyanto Napu


The objective of this research was particularly to find out the correlation between the students’ risk-taking and their public speaking ability. This study focused on the ILC’s speaker in public speaking. This research was examined by using a quantitative method conducted at the international students' conference on students of the English Educational Department in Gorontalo Indonesia in the academic year 2016. In collecting the data were obtained from a questionnaire to measure their risk-taking and oral test to measure their speaking ability further used an adaptation of the formula conducted by Sigit (1999, as cited in Fhonna, 2014) to see the correlation between 2 variable. As the result, the hypothesis of the research was accepted. It had been proved there was a strong correlation between students’ risk-taking personality and students’ public speaking ability in the presenter of international students’ conference. It appropriates with criteria testing the tcount as big as 4,3593 whereas table distribution ttable obtained 2,0932. The value tcount bigger than ttable (4,3593>2,0932). As a result, the hypothesis H0 is accepted, and H1 is rejected. While based on the result of calculation of r Pearson product-moment correlation formula between variable X and variable Y are obtained r= 0,81 and determination coefficient of risk-taking towards students’ public speaking ability was r² = 0,7768 or 77,68 %.

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correlation, risk-taking, public speaking ability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v6i1.3364


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