W. Wariyati, A. Asnawi, S. Seyufani


The aim of this study is to see the correlation of mastering eight basic tenses towards the public speaking ability of 6th semester students. This research used qualitative method. The information was collected by employing questionnaire to indicate the participant’s perceptions about mastering eight basic tenses towards the general public speaking ability and also the explanations behind such opinion. The subject was 50 students that studied in the department of English Education in one amongst private university in Medan, North Sumatra. The finding found that the there is a correlation of mastering eight basic tenses towards the public speaking ability students. They believed that eight basic tenses grammar in this case is important as their starting point if they want to be able to speak. They also believed that it will be appalling if they speak English with wrong grammar. Students also mentioned that it is a problem of pronunciation, confidence and the fear of being criticized by the audience that hamper them from speaking English.

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auxiliary verbs, public speaking, grammar, students

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